Working With Resource File
Lesson 2
How the LoadDataIntoFile Function
Sub LoadDataIntoFile(DataName As Integer,
FileName As String)
Declaring myArray and
myFile variables
Dim myArray() As Byte
Dim myFile As
If Dir("D:\Myfile.Exe") = "" Return True if the
file exist and False if doesn't.
If the file exist we don't start the
copying process,
to avoid overwriting an existing
Dir(FileName) = "" Then
LoadResData loads file from Resource
file that founds under the CUSTOM "Folder",
like LoadResPicture loads
Picture from resource file that found under all other
Folders (Icon, Cursor and Bitmap)
In the line below, we load the
File that found under the CUSTOM "Folder"
with the ID that the DataName
variable holds, to the variable myArray
myArray =
LoadResData(DataName, "CUSTOM")
FreeFile is a
function that returns the next Free File Number
If we wouldn't use FreeFile,
and instead we were using:
Open FileName For Binary Access Write As
And In our code there was before similar line
Open "Autoexec.Bat" For Binary Access Write As #1
There was a
collision because they were both opened As #1
The FreeFile function
prevents that and in the example above would open
second file as #2
myFile =
Opens new file with the name that founds
in the FileName variable.
Open FileName For Binary Access Write
As #myFile
Put the myArray variable data into the new file.
Remember that
the myArray variable holds right now the data of the file
we want to
Put #myFile, , myArray
Close the file
End If
End Sub