Conditional Statements Tutorial

Lesson 1
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Examples Of Boolean Expressions
The following code:

Dim ABC As Boolean
ABC = (3 > 4)
Print ABC

Will print "False" on the form.
The value of the boolean expression 3 > 4
is "False", because 3 is not greater than 4.

The following code:

Dim ABC As Boolean
ABC = ("abf" = "abf")
Print ABC

Will print "True" on the form.
The value of the boolean expression "abf" = "abf"
is "True", because "abf" is equal to "abf"

The following code:

Dim ABC As Boolean
Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
A = 1
B = 2
ABC = (A + 1 = B)
Print ABC

Will print "True" on the form,
because the value of the boolean expression (A + 1 = B) is "True".

In Boolean expressions you can use the following signs:

= Equal to
<> Not Equal to
> Greater than
< Smaller than
>= Greater than or Equal to
<= Smaller than or Equal to

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