Accessing GIF
and JPG files from your Program
There is no
Built-In option to load GIF and JPG files, There is no vbResGIF or vbResJPG.
So to load these files you'll have to use the following
Public Sub LoadDataIntoFile(DataName As Integer, FileName As String)
Dim myArray() As Byte
Dim myFile As Long
If Dir(FileName) = "" Then
myArray =
LoadResData(DataName, "CUSTOM")
myFile =
Open FileName For Binary Access Write
As #myFile
Put #myFile, , myArray
End If
End Sub
What does this function
The function gets two parameters: DataName and FileName.
It simply
copy the File that found in the resource file, under the CUSTOM "Folder" With
the Id that found in DataName variable.
The new file name will be the String
that found in the FileName variable.
For example, assume I have a
resource file, with EXE file that found under the CUSTOM "Folder". The EXE file
ID is 101.
Calling to: LoadDataIntoFile 101,
Will copy the EXE file to
It doesn't matter if the file is EXE, GIF, JPG, TXT or
Because of that, this function can extract any file from resource file, and
can be used to extract Sound files, Text files, and other